ilustrasi sketsa sayur dan buah-buahan di piring

Indonesia Market Watch

Indonesia Market Watch

Komersialisasi benih padi toleran kekeringan di Indonesia (Edisi Kedua)

Komersialisasi benih padi toleran kekeringan di Indonesia (Edisi Kedua)

seorang wanita berpose ketika menjemur gabah padi di tengah lapangan
Indonesia Market Watch

Commercialising drought-tolerant rice seeds in Indonesia

ilustrasi sekelompok sapi di dalam kandang kayu
Indonesia Market Watch

Market response to foot and mouth disease



Jelajahi Sumber Daya


344 hasil

What's for Breakfast: Food price inflation survey (2nd Edition)

Province: Nasional

Sector: General

Type: Indonesia Market Watch

Laporan kemajuan terbaru PRISMA

Province: Nasional

Sector: General

Type: Laporan

Climate smart agriculture in the soil treatment sector

Province: Nasional

Sector: Perawatan Tanah

Type: Field and Farmer Stories

Meet Pak Luki: When mechanisation hits its stride

Province: Nasional

Sector: Mekanisasi

Type: Field and Farmer Stories

Young nursery owner marketing innovation in rice seed

Province: Nasional

Sector: Rice

Type: Field and Farmer Stories

Celebrating National Farmers Day

Province: Nasional

Sector: General

Type: Acara

The right stuff: A story of progress towards systemic change in crop protection

Province: Nasional

Sector: Perlindungan Tanaman

Type: Breakthrough Outcomes

Turning the cogs: A story of progress towards systemic change in the mechanisation sector

Province: Nasional

Sector: Mekanisasi

Type: Breakthrough Outcomes

The seeds of change: How to avoid empty rice bowls

Province: Nasional

Sector: Rice

Type: Breakthrough Outcomes