Future Farmer, aims to share its insights, unearth ideas, and facilitate collaboration among private and public sector market actors. The goal is to equip farmers, businesses and agriculture market actors with the information they need to unlock productivity.
Readsmallholder farming households have experience increased incomes
value of smallholder farming households' increased incomes
average % of income increase compared to before PRISMA intervention
public and private organisations partnering with PRISMA
number of SME with increased revenue
value of increased revenue of SME
total investment made by private sectors and farmers
total revenue increase of PRISMA's Partners
" PRISMA has presented a transformative perspective on fostering market linkages for inclusive agribusiness. By emphasising the potential of smallholder farmers as entrepreneurial agents and cultivating sustainable ecosystems, PRISMA has achieved a remarkable result. "
" At the start of our collaboration, our maize productivity was low due to the high usage of the local variety. We aim to shift farmers’ seed usage from local maize to hybrid seed. It is not as easy as ABC, but with the suggestions from PRISMA, hybrid maize adoption in Sumenep district has increased. "
" Our ancestors were born from mung beans, but we can’t keep using a traditional approach. If we want to feed our children, then we must use better quality mung bean seeds. "