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News Story: Climate-Smart Agriculture



Agribusiness Innovation for Climate Change 

PRISMA and Katadata join media for a press conference at the national workshop "Climate-Smart Agriculture: Increasing the Productivity, Resilience, and Sustainability of Indonesian Agriculture," held in Jakarta on June 20 and June 21, 2024. 

Innovative Climate-Smart Solutions

Pak Dadang, Direktur PT PT Botani Seed Indonesia, at the press conference: Agribusiness Innovation through Climate Smart Agriculture

Climate-smart seeds have high productivity but low cost. - Dadang, Director of PT Botani Seed Indonesia

[Katadata press release]

Climate change and food insecurity pose significant challenges for the agricultural sector, particularly for rice and maize, which are among the most important crops in Indonesia. Disruptions to these sectors could lead to societal upheaval and threaten national development goals.

Climate-smart agriculture offers a solution for developing agriculture that can adapt to climate change. In this case, agribusiness plays a critical role in driving agricultural innovation that can reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions while enhancing farmers' resilience to climate change. Constructive involvement of agribusiness in climate-smart agriculture can also support the government in meeting the national target of reducing carbon emissions.

One example of climate-smart agriculture efforts is the development of climate-smart rice seeds by PT Botani Seed Indonesia, a company owned by IPB University. The Director of PT Botani Seed Indonesia, Dadang Syamsul Munir, revealed that the development of climate-smart rice seeds can reduce the need for fertilisers and water, thereby lowering the cost of rice cultivation.

"Climate-smart seeds have high productivity but low cost. This is due to reduced use of fertiliser and more efficient water utilisation. These advantages make our innovative seeds more adaptive to climate change because they are able to reduce the production of GHG emissions," said Dadang at a press conference on Agribusiness Innovation Through Climate-Smart Agriculture held by PRISMA and Katadata, Wednesday (19/6/2024).

Dadang added that climate-smart seeds are also adaptive to dry climates. Last year, the production capacity of climate-smart seeds produced by PT Boni Seed Indonesia reached 300 tons.

Mineral Fertiliser from the Earth

Mr Eddyko, Director of PT Agrotama Tunas Sarana, shared the role of organic mineral-based fertilisers in climate mitigation efforts to the media.

Our fertiliser contains secondary macronutrients that can help improve plant health and yields, as well as maintain soil fertility. - Eddyko, the Director of PT Agrotama Tunas Sarana

One example of climate-smart agriculture measures implemented by PT Agrotama Tunas Sentosa (ATS) is the development of eco-friendly organic mineral-based fertilisers that can reduce methane production. PT ATS markets these fertilisers under the brand GPS (Gypsum – Polyhalite – Silica).

Eddyko, the Director of PT Agrotama Tunas Sarana, explained that this eco-friendly fertiliser is derived from seashells and diatomaceous sediment mined without chemical processes, making it safer for plants and the environment.

“This fertiliser contains secondary macronutrients that can help improve plant health and yields, as well as maintain soil fertility. The use of this fertiliser can also neutralise soil acidity, thus inhibiting the growth of methanogenic bacteria that produce methane gas,” explained Eddyko.

Eddyko added that PT Agrotama Tunas Sarana collaborates with key shallot farmers and the North Sumatra Agricultural Service to promote the adoption of commercially based organic mineral fertilisers, which can increase crop yields, improve soil conditions, and reduce environmental pollution.

Climate-Adaptive Maize Seeds

Discussion session with national media in the press conference

Many farmers have experienced the benefit of these seeds, but access remains difficult. - Medhat, PRISMA representative

PRISMA's representative, Medhat Kemal added that PRISMA collaborates with maize seed producers in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) to increase the availability of climate-adaptive maize seeds in the commercial market. One such seed is the Lamuru and Jakarin maize varieties, developed through research by the Cereal Crop Instrument Testing Center in Maros.

“Many farmers have already experienced the benefits of these seeds, but access has been difficult because they previously received them through government subsidies. Therefore, we work with local seed producers in Beu, East Manggarai, and Sikka to make it easier for farmers to obtain Lamuru and Jakarin varieties in the market,” said Medhat.

According to him, these two varieties are suitable for the conditions in NTT with dry land and climate, with an average productivity rate of 7 tons per hectare.

PRISMA, a partnership program between the Indonesian Government through the Ministry of National Development Planning (PPN/Bappenas) and the Australian Government through the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), has established 273 public and private partnerships and positively impacted the increased incomes of over 1.5 million smallholder farmer households in Indonesia.

Most of PRISMA’s partnerships cover climate-smart agriculture elements, characterised by increased productivity and enhanced farmer resilience to climate change.

Learn more about PRISMA's climate-smart agriculture partnerships in Climate Spotlight Fertiliser and the three case studies:

(1) Unlocking Climate-Resilient Rice Farming: Overcoming Barriers to High-Yielding Varieties Adoption in Indonesia

(2) Growing Resilience and Productivity through Climate-Smart Maize Varieties in Dry Climates

(3) Emission Control Blocks for Cattle: Enhancing Productivity and Reducing Emissions in Indonesia's Cattle Industry

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