Climate Smart Agriculture


Emission Control Blocks for Cattle

Aug 2022

PRISMA works with private sector partners to develop commercially viable business models to increase the distribution of technologies, services, and products that improve productivity. The majority of PRISMA’s partnerships have climate-smart agriculture elements.


Emission Control Block untuk Sapi

Aug 2022

PRISMA bekerja sama dengan banyak mitra di sektor swasta dalam mengembangkan model bisnis yang layak secara komersial untuk memaksimalkan distribusi teknologi, layanan, dan produk yang dapat meningkatkan produktivitas peternakan.


Growing Resilience and Productivity through Climate-Smart Maize Varieties in Dry Climates

Aug 2022

Climate-smart agriculture aims to increase agricultural productivity while ensuring farmers' resilience to climate change and reducing the agriculture sector's environmental footprint. This case study draws from PRISMA’s experience to demonstrate how the private sector supports farmers adapting to climate change.
