
Agriculture and poverty are interlinked. A large percentage of rural poor in Indonesia depend on farming for food, income, and jobs. Rural men and women are often held back by limited access to functioning agricultural markets, including poor policies and weak agriculture-related public institutions. Where regulatory issues emerge as a constraint in a particular sector, these are addressed by the PRISMA team as part of the intervention work.


PRISMA recognises that the government at all levels plays an important role in agriculture in Indonesia. Policy engagement, particularly at the sub-national level, is a crucial part of ensuring a well-functioning agricultural market.

PRISMA is not designed as a policy reform program and therefore the scope of the work in policy engagement is well-defined and pragmatic. PRISMA has a four-pillared approach to policy engagement:


  1. Policy engagement at the sub-national level where PRISMA identifies a market constraint related to a particular commodity with a link to a sub-national level guideline, rule, or regulation.
  2. Policy engagement at the National level, which includes real potential for policy reform related to a commodity sector.  These have been identified as Beef Feed Standards, Rice procurement policy, and the import of jersey breed cattle in the dairy sector.
  3. Influencing the influencer, Where PRISMA shares lessons learned with key stakeholders and a broader audience to influence stakeholders about the benefits of a market systems approach
  4. Bappenas Engagement, where PRISMA supports DFAT in their engagement with Bappenas as the two key agencies overseeing PRISMA.

PRISMA will continue to engage with key policy decision-makers to ensure they are equipped with better insights and evidence to influence changes in the business-enabling environment at both national and local levels.