sketch illustration of vegetables and fruits on a plate

Indonesia Market Watch

Indonesia Market Watch

Komersialisasi benih padi toleran kekeringan di Indonesia (Edisi Kedua)

Komersialisasi benih padi toleran kekeringan di Indonesia (Edisi Kedua)

a woman poses while drying grain in the middle of the field
Indonesia Market Watch

Commercialising drought-tolerant rice seeds in Indonesia

illustration of a group of cows in a wooden cage
Indonesia Market Watch

Market response to foot and mouth disease



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344 results

Apa yang kami pelajari selama bekerja di sektor Babi NTT

Province: National

Sector: Pigs

Type: Learning Series

From zero to hero

Province: National

Sector: Mungbean

Type: Breakthrough Outcomes

Dari nol, menjadi pahlawan

Province: National

Sector: Mungbean

Type: Breakthrough Outcomes

What we learned from working in Maize Madura

Province: National

Sector: Maize

Type: Learning Series

Don’t take for planted

Province: National

Sector: Soil Treatment

Type: Breakthrough Outcomes

Apa yang kami pelajari dari bekerja di sektor Jagung Madura

Province: National

Sector: Maize

Type: Learning Series

Jangan ambil untuk ditanam

Province: National

Sector: Cassava

Type: Breakthrough Outcomes

PRISMA Highlight - NTT (English)

Province: National

Sector: General

Type: Profile

PRISMA Highlight - NTT (Bahasa Indonesia)

Province: National

Sector: General

Type: Profile

What we learned from working in Mungbeans

Province: National

Sector: Mungbean

Type: Learning Series