sketch illustration of vegetables and fruits on a plate

Indonesia Market Watch

Indonesia Market Watch

Komersialisasi benih padi toleran kekeringan di Indonesia (Edisi Kedua)

Komersialisasi benih padi toleran kekeringan di Indonesia (Edisi Kedua)

a woman poses while drying grain in the middle of the field
Indonesia Market Watch

Commercialising drought-tolerant rice seeds in Indonesia

illustration of a group of cows in a wooden cage
Indonesia Market Watch

Market response to foot and mouth disease



Browse Resources


344 results

What's for Breakfast: Food price inflation survey (2nd Edition)

Province: National

Sector: General

Type: Indonesia Market Watch

Laporan kemajuan terbaru PRISMA

Province: National

Sector: General

Type: Report

Climate smart agriculture in the soil treatment sector

Province: National

Sector: Soil Treatment

Type: Field and Farmer Stories

Meet Pak Luki: When mechanisation hits its stride

Province: National

Sector: Mechanisation

Type: Field and Farmer Stories

Young nursery owner marketing innovation in rice seed

Province: National

Sector: Rice

Type: Field and Farmer Stories

Celebrating National Farmers Day

Province: National

Sector: General

Type: Events

The right stuff: A story of progress towards systemic change in crop protection

Province: National

Sector: Crop Protection

Type: Breakthrough Outcomes

Turning the cogs: A story of progress towards systemic change in the mechanisation sector

Province: National

Sector: Mechanisation

Type: Breakthrough Outcomes

The seeds of change: How to avoid empty rice bowls

Province: National

Sector: Rice

Type: Breakthrough Outcomes